Logout from the Newboard

Logging out of your accounts and applications is an important aspect of maintaining your online security. In the case of the Newboard web app, the process of logging out is simple and straightforward. To ensure that your account remains secure and your information protected, it is advisable to log out properly every time you finish your session.

Logging Out Manually

One easy way to log out of the Newboard web app is by accessing your profile. Located in the top right corner of the screen, click on your profile icon or username to reveal a dropdown menu. Within the menu, you should see the option to 'Logout' or 'Sign Out.' Click on this option, and you will be successfully logged out of your account. This manual log out process ensures that your account is no longer accessible until you log in again.

Automatic Logout Feature

In addition to manual log out options, the Newboard web app also offers an automatic logout feature for added security. This feature automatically logs you out of your account after a certain period of inactivity, typically set at 15 days. By implementing this automatic logout mechanism, the app reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your account in case you forget to log out manually.

It is important to note that while automatic logout enhances security, it is still recommended to log out manually, especially when using shared devices or public computers. By being proactive about logging out of your accounts, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and protect your sensitive information.

It's essential to log out of your accounts to uphold online security. By adhering to proper logout procedures, you can protect your personal information and minimize the chances of unauthorized access.

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